Embracing the magic of tumeric in home remedies

By Poonam Mehn, Nov 2023

In the lively world of holistic wellness, the ancient spice turmeric has remained a stalwart, celebrated for its versatile applications and potent healing properties. Beyond its culinary prowess, this golden treasure has long been cherished for its role in traditional home remedies. Let's unravel the captivating world of turmeric home remedies and explore the wonders it can work in the confines of your own kitchen.

A)      Soothing Turmeric Tea

Brew a comforting cup of turmeric tea by combining turmeric powder, a pinch of black pepper, honey, and a squeeze of lemon in hot water. This soothing concoction can help alleviate common cold symptoms, soothe a sore throat, and provide a comforting respite on chilly days.

B)      Turmeric Milk also known as Golden Milk

•       Heat Milk on medium low-heat. Add ground turmeric and grated ginger to the milk, stirring gently to incorporate the ingredients.

•       Sprinkle a pinch of ground black pepper. Allow the mixture to simmer for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally to ensure that the flavour meld together.

•       Once the milk is warmed and infused with turmeric and ginger, add your preferred sweetener such as honey. Pour the golden milk into a mug, and if desired, sprinkle a pinch of ground cinnamon on top for added flavour.

C)      Natural Teeth-Whitening

Create a natural teeth-whitening remedy by making a paste of turmeric and baking soda. Gently brush your teeth with this mixture to help brighten your smile.

D)      Healing Turmeric Paste

Prepare a healing turmeric paste using turmeric powder and a bit of water. Apply this paste on minor cuts, wound, or insect bites to harness its antiseptic properties, which can aid in preventing infections and promoting faster healing.

exploring the healing potential of black cardamom

By Poonam Mehn, Nov 2023

Black cardamom, with its robust flavour and aromatic allure, has been revered for centuries, not only for its culinary contributions but also for its array of therapeutic properties. Let's embark on a journey to uncover the hidden treasures of black cardamom and explore the ways it can be harnessed in the realm of home remedies.

a)       Black cardamom tea to Treat cough and cold

Create a rejuvenating black cardamom tea by simply crush few pods and steep them in hot water. This aromatic tea has been a long-standing remedy, aiding in the relief of respiratory congestion, alleviating coughs, and soothing throat irritation. It serves as a comforting potion during cold and flu seasons.

A Recipe for A grateful life.....

By Debbani Ghosh, Oct 2023 
It’s been 25 years since I have lived in the lovely city of Leeds with my two children and husband.

As I get older, I get wiser. I accept and relax about distracting and unnecessary things that are meaningless. Living more consciously and appreciating life more deeply. Here is my recipe for a life full of gratitude and positivity.

One can follow a simple and easy Gratitude practice to lead a more positive life. A simple way to start cultivating gratitude is to take a few moments and think of things you are grateful for, the blessings that you have in your lives. It is easy to forget all your blessings when you face challenges and adversities in your life. Take a moment and practice gratitude to improve relationships and your own positive and transformative growth.


A) Start the day with a gratitude practice

B) Add something that you are thankful for

C) Remember something that made you smile or happy

D) Express your gratitude to those who deserve it before it’s too late

E) Celebrate your scars, wounds, and challenges that you overcame

F) Share love and kindness

G) Believe in prayers and practice forgiveness


Start the day with a gratitude practice with a smile and positivity. As you close your eyes, think of something you are thankful for. This may be your family, friends, or the job that helps you pay bills, an incident and everything that makes you happy! Now you express gratitude to those who have helped, supported, or always been there for you. Also, when you have an opportunity, express your gratitude to them directly too! Add tears of joy, sorrow and all the scars, wounds and challenges that made you who you are today. Once you start a daily gratitude practice for yourself, you can spread the love to others by acknowledging, recognising, complimenting and thanking the people who enrich your life. 

Finally, join your hands for prayer, have faith in your hearts to lighten your life and others around you, and end your prayer with a smile. Appreciate what is around you. As Gratitude and appreciation are the keywords for a better life.

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